"The challenges were in the details."
"As time consuming and stressful as it was in the moment, I think we all gathered skills that we can apply to any field."
"It went from us all wanting to rip our hair out, to loving the experience."
"Hopefully we will go places, and win Emmy's [because of this project]."
CMGT Project Spotlight: "Campaign Junkie"
Class: CMGT 552 - Visual Storytelling: Production, Management and Culture
Instructor: Dr. David Craig
Group: Joyce Chuinkam , Mariele O'Reilly, Divya Yerwa Mary, Siyu Li, Xueting Zhang, Alexa Liacko
Project Instructions: Produce three episodes of a web series. Ten minutes, total. Make sure the characters are multi-faceted. Leave an open ending.
Plot in One Sentence: A girl moves to Colorado to work on a presidential campaign, but finds herself in the middle of another competition.
Cameras Used: Three
Actors Needed: Three
Time Spent Casting: One Saturday
Time Spent Filming: A lot
Time Spent Editing: Even more
Challenges Encountered: Faulty mics, conflicting schedules, shooting difficulties.
Regrets: None
Advice to Future MCMers in 552: Be prepared. Manage your time wisely. Pick a good team with skills that will compliment one another.
Final Product: "Campaign Junkie" (watch above)
Grade Earned: A