MCDO Frequently Asked Questions

Who developed the Managing Complexity in Diverse Organizations (MCDO) curriculum?

More than a dozen USC Annenberg faculty members worked closely with Dean Willow Bay; School of Communication Director Hector Amaya; School of Journalism Director Gordon Stables, and our partners at Minerva Project to develop the MCDO curriculum. The MCDO Curriculum Development Committee members included Laura Castañeda (academic lead), Morten Bay, Clarissa Beyah, Melanie Cherry, Adam Day, Joseph Itaya, Elizabeth Luke, Freddy Tran Nager, Courtney Pade, Brad Shipley, Christopher H. Smith, Lindsay Stanton, Neil Teixeira, and Tina Vennegaard.

How do I register for MCDO?

The MCDO course is offered once every semester in fall, spring and summer. Master’s students are encouraged to complete the training in their first year at USC Annenberg. Students may select from multiple weekly section options offered Monday through Friday. Each section is capped at 25 participants from across USC Annenberg master’s programs, so register early to secure your preferred day and time. You must be logged in to Google with your USC email address to access the registration form. Note: you will enroll in MCDO via a different system than your other USC courses.


What does MCDO cost?

USC Annenberg is currently offering all master’s students in the School of Communication and the Public Relations programs the MCDO course free of charge.

What is my total time commitment for MCDO?

In addition to your weekly 90-minute synchronous session, you will have 1-2 hours of weekly pre-class readings and homework. In total, this program should not exceed 30 hours. 

What is active learning?

Active learning is an approach to instruction that involves actively engaging students with the course material through discussions, problem solving, case studies, role plays and other methods. Activities within an active learning classroom help promote high-order thinking such as knowledge application, analysis, and synthesis. Active learning places a greater degree of responsibility on the learner than passive approaches such as lectures, but instructor guidance is still crucial. 

What learning management platform is MCDO delivered on?

You will participate in MCDO on a learning management platform called Forum, a synchronous virtual classroom environment that facilitates active learning. Forum provides numerous advantages over traditional classrooms and other digital learning tools. In each session, your instructors act as facilitators — not lecturers — moving learners through an assortment of activities that vary from session to session. An effective active learning experience will depend on strong, live engagement from you and your peers.

Upon registration, our partners at Minerva will set you up with a free Forum account. There is nothing to download and no cost associated with participating. Simply activate your account and use your desktop or laptop to join. Tablets and smartphones are not compatible with the MCDO experience on Forum.

Am I required to be an active participant? 

Students are required to prepare appropriately for each live session and to participate actively in each one. There are many ways to participate, including: Speaking up in class, responding to instructor and peer questions, engaging in discussions during breakouts, using emojis/reactions, commenting via chat, and responding to polls. Instructors will monitor students’ total talk time, as well as other metrics related to participation. If your instructor observes a lack of engagement or participation during class, they may mark you absent. 

Must I have my camera and microphone on throughout each live session?

Yes, MCDO is a camera-on experience. You are required to use a personal computer with an operable web camera and microphone for every session. Forum is not available on tablets or smartphones. 

Log in from a distraction-free space and start every session with your camera and microphone on so that you can engage with your fellow students and instructor right away. Each session offers an eye rest break, but you can briefly step away if necessary.

We appreciate that some participants may have learning accommodations that apply to this course and its policies. Please let your instructor know of any applicable accommodations provided by USC’s Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS).

What happens if I miss a class session, arrive late or leave early?

Students are allowed no more than two (2) excused class absences. Absences are counted whenever a student misses 30 minutes or more of a class session. Students with more than two (2) absences will not satisfy their degree requirement and must retake MCDO in a subsequent term. The absence policy is clearly outlined in your syllabus. 

Are there any homework assignments?

Yes, you will be assigned between 60 and 90 minutes of out-of-class preparation each week. This includes required class reading, as well as important workbook reflections and activities. Your instructor will review all assignments but they will not be graded.

Can current USC Annenberg graduate students participate in this program even if it is not their first semester at USC Annenberg?

All USC Annenberg graduate students are welcome to join MCDO, regardless of their year. 

Can I display my MCDO certificate on LinkedIn?

Yes, you will receive an electronic certificate upon completion of the program.

Is MCDO registered in the University’s class scheduling system?

No, you are not enrolling in this course via the same system as your other USC courses.

How often is MCDO offered?

MCDO is offered multiple times per week during each spring, summer and fall semester.

How do we offer MCDO to professionals at a company or organization?

Contact us at to explore options for our industry partners. 

View a playlist of student experiences below.