Molly Frizzell
Molly Frizzell is a PhD candidate at USC Annenberg whose dissertation considers how the ultrasound constructs the body as a site of affective power. Drawing on science and technology studies (STS), affect theory, and feminist media studies, her research is methodologically grounded in multimodal critical discourse analysis and ethnographic approaches.
Beyond her dissertation, Frizzell has presented scholarship on nationalism and normativity at conferences for the International Communication Association (ICA), National Communication Association (NCA), Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), American Political Science Association (APSA), and International Political Science Association (IPSA). An active kiteboarder, her interest in waves, cultural identity, and how technology makes us feel also finds expression in action sports research, as published in the Journal of Olympic Studies.
Prior to her doctoral work, Molly led creative strategy for health and social impact initiatives. She has nearly a decade of international experience designing, pitching and implementing media campaigns for partners ranging from Fortune 500 companies to United Nations agencies. Frizzell earned her BA in International Relations from Tufts University and holds a dual MA/MSc in Global Media and Communication from USC Annenberg and the London School of Economics, where she was awarded the Roger Silverstone fellowship in recognition of her outstanding achievements and potential for significant contributions to the field of communication.