Adjunct professor Pollack weighs in on what it takes to succeed in today’s PR classroom

An article featured an in-depth Q-and-A with adjunct public relations professor Stefan Pollack, who is also president and chief financial officer of The Pollack PR Marketing Group.

In the article, Pollack addressed topics such as why he doesn't assign text books, which non-PR classes he feels are important, and why he encourages students to use social media to connect with him.

"In essence, I do not use books," he said. "Primarily, because the nature of the class, 'writing for controlled media' is such an evolving discipline that no textbook keeps up with it well. I use industry journals and white papers as examples of best practices. Writing comes from life’s experiences, what one has been exposed to, read, seen or interacted with and no book can replace the intellectual curiosity that is so necessary to good writing."

Read the full article here