Dean Ernest J. Wilson III, Communication School Director Sarah Banet-Weiser and Journalism School Director Willow Bay kicked off the academic year by welcoming incoming Annenberg students at the New Student Interdisciplinary Assembly, held on August 18. Wilson opened the event by telling the students that it was natural to be nervous, but added, “in technical terms, I would say ‘chill’—we’re all here to help you.”
After this tone-setting introduction, a dozen faculty from both the School of Communication and the School of Journalism were given a few minutes each to pitch their classes, centers, and their research to the students.
Banet-Weiser encouraged the students to not be afraid to talk to their professors, and to take advantage of all the resources that Annenberg has to offer. “If there’s something you don’t know, come and talk to us,” she told the crowd.
Bay offered similar advice through in a non-traditional format. Using a series of Snapchat-style videos, she encouraged the students to come to the Annenberg Media Center, learn how to use the available tools, and to attend events at Wallis Annenberg Hall. She emphasized that at Annenberg, “journalism and content is produced across all platforms and all media,” and that students have all the resources at their fingertips to become producers themselves.
Please see a photo album of the new student assembly below:

Please watch the video of Willow Bay, the Director of the School of Journalism: