
Carlos Godoy earned his JD from UC Berkeley in 1998 and his PhD from USC Annenberg in 2007. His primary research focuses on the role that virtual environments may play in diagnosing and changing real-life decision-making and behavior.
He has served as a public policy consultant for the Institute of Medicine assessing the state of science on the health status of LGBT populations. Specifically, Godoy examined the impact of the internet on the health of LGBT people; the opportunities that new technology provides to conduct innovative research with LGBT populations, including hard-to-reach subgroups; the use of electronic health records to ensure that health systems can track outcomes for populations at risk for unequal treatment; and the use of internet technology for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and management of chronic disease among LGBT populations. Before joining USC Annenberg, he worked as an assistant professor of communication at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and as a civil litigation attorney.
Awards and honors:
Appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of Media & Communication (2 year term: 2019-2021).
One of the top 10 professors at USC, Oneclass.com (2018).
Journal Articles
“Causal Inference in Generalizable Environments: Systematic Representative,” co-author (Psychological Inquiry Psychological Inquiry, 2019).
“Virtually ‘in the heat of the moment’: Insula activation in safe sex negotiation among risky men,” co-author (Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2018).
“Identity and Sexual Risk for Black and Latino YMWM,” co-author (AIDS and Behavior, 2016).
“Socially Optimized Learning in Virtual Environments (SOLVE): Developing, Evaluating, and Disseminating A Game HIV Prevention Intervention Nationally Over the Web,” co-author (Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine, 2014).
“Virtual Validity, mHealth simulation games, diagnostic indicators and behavior change,” co-author (Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine, 2013).
“Results of an online HIV prevention randomized control,” co-author (Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013).
“Reducing shame in a game that predicts HIV risk reduction for young adult men who have sex with men: a randomized trial delivered nationally over the web,” co-author (Journal of the International AIDS Society, 2013).
“Virtual agents and virtual sexual decision-making: Interventions for on-line applications that change real-life risky sexual choices,” co-author (Interactive Health Communication Technologies: Promising Strategies for Health Behavior Change, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2011).
COMM 322: Argumentation and Advocacy
COMM 422: Legal Issues and New Media