USC and The Conversation 101: Connecting researchers and news media to advance science
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
11 a.m. PT
Three years ago, USC and The Conversation launched a partnership university-wide to promote research-based commentaries by professors. Working together, here’s what we’ve accomplished:
- 72 USC faculty contributed
- 200 commentaries published
- 7.5 million people reached
- Washington Post, CNN, Houston Chronicle, Smithsonian Magazine, PBS News Hour, Gizmodo, U.S. News and World Report and others.
All USC researchers are invited to a workshop on February 23 to discuss how to turn research into commentary to share with the world via The Conversation, a communications platform that gives you priority to place articles in the news media.
- Beth Shuster, Office of the Provost
- Gary Polakovic, USC Central Communications
- Maggie Villiger, Senior Editor at The Conversation
- Eric Zack, The Conversation
- Anita Sengupta, USC Viterbi School of Engineering
- Daryl Davies, USC School of Pharmacy
This event is sponsored by USC Central Communications, USC Provost and USC Center for Excellence in Research. Contact with any questions.
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