Annenberg spring experiential programs info session: Maymester, spring break, and international communication studies (ICS)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Noon 1 p.m. PT


Join USC Annenberg Career Development & Annenberg Office of International Programs to learn about the Spring ’25 experiential education programs. This info session will equip interested students with a comprehensive understanding of the following programs, including details on program expenses, program dates, and how to apply:

  • San Francisco Bay Area Spring Break
  • International Communication Studies (ICS) in Dublin, London, and Madrid
  • New York City Maymester
  • Washington D.C. Maymester
  • L.A. Sports Maymester

The application for all highlighted programs (except for L.A. Sports Maymester) will open on September 20th and be due on October 20th, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT.

Students can RSVP to this event on Handshake below.