Information capability and defense
Thursday, November 4, 2021
10 a.m. – 11 a.m. PT
The dynamism of today’s global information environment underscores an essential role of strategic communication for government agencies with international concerns, including the military. Although the U.S. Department of Defense established Cyber Command and encouraged the armed forces to expand their Information Operations capabilities, the military culture continues to look at the information domain as a sphere to influence only during hostilities. So what does information capability mean?
Lt. Col. Gregory M. Tomlin will present a proposal of an expansion of the military definition of “engagement” that is currently restricted to striking targets with lethal force. His talk will explain the limitations of applying the Joint Targeting Cycle to all military efforts in the information domain and will conceptualize a new methodology — the Global Engagement Cycle — to identify audiences, develop messages and select the best information-related capabilities to influence audiences during peacetime.
Moderator: CPD Advisory Board Member, Marie Royce